Talking to Kim reminded me of something. One of the things I think we all look forward to is becoming an adult: the day we’ll be able to make our own decisions, do whatever we want, be in charge. As a kid, we think that once we grow up, everything will fall into place and we’ll instantly become the person we want to be. But the “self help” industry tells a different story—of adult children of alcoholics, abusers and neglectors still trying to get over the past in order to be healthy, productive citizens. And you don’t even need to be a child with a troubled youth to know that you don’t turn 18 or 21 and suddenly get the key to the Knowledge Book. Being a child is hard, being an adult is even harder, and I can only imagine what being a parent must be like! A brand-new (less than a month) mom, Kim is still figuring it out, like we all are.
Q: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
A: I would have stood up to my mother at a younger age, not lived in fear of her. I would have called her out on her behavior, I wouldn’t have let her be the kind of mother she was. I wish I hadn’t lived so many years of my life afraid of her. There’s so much of what she did that was wrong and I know now that if I had the guts to stand up to her, it would have changed my life.
My wedding (when I was 34) was the first time I stood up to her and now, 3 years later, we don’t talk often. I just wish she would see what kind of person she was, see what she has done wrong. I stand up for myself now.
Q: Who are/have been the most influential people in your life?
A: My dad has been a huge influence on me. He always stuck by me, never stopped trying to see me—my mom blocked him from communicating with me from the time I was 18 months old. But any mistakes or bad decisions I made, he was always there. He’s just a great family man and he’s loved me unconditionally—hopefully I am that kind of parent.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you ever made and were you able to fix it?
A: I wish that I had done college a little differently— I wish I hadn’t taken it for granted. I wish I gone away to college or taken it more seriously and maybe that would have helped me take my career more seriously now.
I always just assumed I would go to a local school and get decent grades so that’s what I did. I wanted to go away to school but I just didn’t put the effort into it. Maybe if I would have tried harder and worked harder I would be in a different place now.
Q: What do you read?
A: Modern fiction, book club books. Right now, it’s The Help by Katheryn Stockett. It’s well-written and easy read but it’s also educational and makes you think. I don’t know—right now, my mind is mush!
Q: If you won 50 million dollars what would the first thing you would do with it?
A: This is so selfish but I would buy a bigger house. Second thing? Furnish it! Then I would adopt a million dogs and get them out of the shelters—just go in there and get all of them and have them live with us. My husband and I talk about that a lot.
Q: Would you rather live in the middle of the Sahara or Antarctica?
A: Antarctica since I don’t like being hot. You can always buy sweaters. And there are penguins there—there are no penguins in the Sahara!
Q: How do you feel about sweatpants? Home and workout only or wear anywhere?
A: Here’s the thing: my opinion, wear anywhere. BUT most people think that they’re workout only so I cave to popular opinion.
Q: If you could get an all-expenses paid trip anywhere in the world where would you go?
A: Greece, I’ve always wanted to go there. It looks beautiful. I want to see the water and the beaches and the history.
Q: Who is on your celebrity list (the one that includes any celebrity that your partner gives you a “pass” on sleeping with if the opportunity ever arose)?
A: High school answer: Bono. Because it always has been.
But now, I think Tim McGraw is really cute. A cowboy!
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