Scott’s answers made me think about regret. I totally agree with George Bernard Shaw, who said that youth is wasted on the young. If only we could know then what we know now, how much heartache and headache could have been avoided! But anyone who’s tried to give advice to a younger person has experienced the withering looks and utter disdain for your wisdom. Sometimes I think that it would be great to be able to go back in time and talk to my younger self, but I doubt the younger me would listen.
Q: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
A: I’d go back and tell the younger me that you’re gonna waste the next 20 years of your youth on a certain person but you’ll end up being friends—but take your heart out of the equation.
Q: What is the quality you most admire in other people?
A: A sense of humor—because I think being funny opens up a lot of doors for you and it makes things easier. If you’re funny, people will like you quickly, will want to have you around more, and it makes you feel good when you make people laugh.
Q: Who are/have been the most influential people in your life?
A: My mom because she taught me how to be a kind person by example. She taught me how to treat people and how to be a good person on the earth.
Second, Liz Bronstein the show runner on Project Greenlight. We became really good friends and she took me seriously and listened to me, gave me advice, and didn’t discount me because it was my first job in TV. She made me feel like I could do anything.
Q: What are you looking forward to?
A: Retiring in a house that’s paid for. Not having to worry financially about the future—just having time to hang out with friends and doing what I want to do.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you ever made and were you able to fix it?
A: See first question.
Q: What do you read?
A: I’m not Sarah Palin, I know what I read. Ken Follett, Armistead Maupin, Vanity Fair, Entertainment Weekly (that’s required reading for my job), Pat Conroy. Also a lot of biographies and autobiographies.
Q: If you won 50 million dollars, what would the first thing you would do with it?
A: Put it in bricks and mortar—a house, something that someone couldn’t take away from me. No risky investments. Travel. I’d like to have my house being built while I’m traveling. I’d buy Grey Gardens—I’d love to have that, that’s my dream.
Q: What is your greatest accomplishment so far?
A: Moving to Los Angeles at 32 and doing relatively OK at that age, when everyone and everything I knew was 3000 miles away. People tell me they admire that about me.
Q: Best advice you’ve ever received? Worst advice?
A: Best: It takes meat to get over meat but I never did follow that.
Worst was when I could have bought a house and my mom and brother could have maintained for me, but I didn’t do it because someone told me not to, and now that house is worth 10 times what it was then.
Q: If you could get an all-expenses paid trip anywhere in the world where would you go?
A: The French Riviera pops into mind, but I love Italy. New Zealand. Australia. Morocco. I want to go on that ship, it’s called Residence- sea, you go all around the world. You live on the boat for the rest of your life.
Q: Who is on your celebrity list (the one that includes any celebrity that your partner gives you a “pass” on sleeping with if the opportunity ever arose)?
A: I think it’s still probably Jake Gyllenhaal.
Q: What is the political issue you care about most right now?
A: It’s got to be health care. Up ‘til a few weeks ago, I thought they would pass it and then I realized that they’re forcing everyone to do it and there’s no public option, now I’m not as excited. I’m turning on my party!
Q: Most useful technological advance in the last 50 years? Least useful?
A: Most: Internet. Least: Texting, I think it’s stupid.
Q: Worst/funniest date story?
A: It was after the date was over, the guy lived with his sister and we were messing around in the kitchen and she walked in. We were both very embarrassed.
Q: Biggest pet peeve? What annoys you most about people?
A: Any kind of pretentiousness. I hate it. I deplore it in other people.
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