Crystal’s answers got me thinking about accomplishments. One of the reasons I started this blog was because I thought it could be an opportunity to learn about people. But something I didn’t count on was being able to give those same people a chance to take a moment and be proud of themselves! And the accomplishments don’t have to particularly newsworthy—no one is saying that they won an Oscar or ended a war or saved someone’s life. But so often, we go through life only noticing what we think needs changing, what we did wrong, what could be better. It’s important to take time to think about our own achievements so I’m glad I’m able to do that, in a small way.
Q: What is the quality you most admire in other people?
A: I would say being truthful. Because it’s a quality that I have and I would like for other people to show me the same respect. Living a lie is harder than just being upfront.
Q: If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
A: I would go back and make more financial investments because right now, it’s a little rough.
Q: Who are/have been the most influential people in your life?
A: My parents because they’ve been there to support me from me having a job, to not having a job, not knowing what I want to do, what direction I’m going to go in, etc. They’ve always been there guiding me without forcing me.
Q: What are you looking forward to?
A: Starting my new career path (story producing for television). So far I’ve lived my life to where I don’t really know what direction it’s going in, this finally seems what I should be doing, it feels right.
Q: What is the biggest mistake you ever made and were you able to fix it?
A: Making the choice to move in with a boyfriend and realizing halfway through the lease that it wasn’t the right decision.
Q: What is your greatest accomplishment so far?
A: Finding my independence.
Q: Best advice you’ve ever received? Worst advice?
A: Best advice is from my dad: It’s better to be on time or early but never late.
I think the worst advice would be to go back to an ex. They are an ex for a reason!
Q: What is the political issue you care about most right now?
A: Health care, it should be free. Other countries don’t have this issue. It’s definitely a big concern.
Q: Most useful technological advance in the last 50 years? Least useful?
A: Cell phones are the most useful, nobody could live without their crackberries.
Least useful—the Snuggie. Just put a blanket on!
Q: Worst/funniest date story?
A: I don’t go on a lot of dates—maybe that’s the embarrassment right there.
Q: Worst fashion trend of all time?
A: MC Hammer pants. And they came back—why would you bring those back? Not cute!
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